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Change is the only permanant thing in this life

A new post after exactly two and a half years now. The things have changed during these two years. Although i graduated in terms of my professional skills but somewhere I lost myself. Somewhere I lost my kindness towards emotions and this got replaced with practicality and to be more precise shrewdness. The two years in Satyam remain to be the best part after my college days and i will cherish the moments for ever. Satyam taught me to be sincere and I developed my knack towards business. The result was a nice blend of some good qualities that will always guide me to the success. But as the things have changed I have now moved out of the private sector and into more secure public sector. Dont know whether i will adapt to it but as the post says Change is the only permanent thing in this world...So be it

Will discuss about my experiences at Satyam in the next few posts


Unknown said…
Who says u lost ur kindness? U just kept it hidden bcoz u thought this kindness wud make u more vulnerable to the harshness of the professional world. Ur feeling bad about it itself testifies that u r soft n sweet at heart. So stop blaming urself.

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