Attended Udaan yesterday- a programme for celebrating success in SBI. It was a nice experience watching the bank striding ahead with great confluence. It was even better to watch bank getting lot of appreciation for all the success achieved, but probably the best part of the programme was its end. The end was more perturbing than relaxing for me although I liked it a lot. It culminated with tying a blue ribbon as a matter of appreciation and great respect to the person you have learnt a lot, mattered a lot and probably “made a difference” to you. As I also received the blue ribbons I was thinking who would be the best person to deserve it in my life. I went home with the aim to find that person in my life who made lot of difference to me. A lot of mind scratching followed and probably I think there were lot of people from my personal and professional life who deserve this blue ribbon. The first one would definitely be my Satyam boss- Madhu Iyer not because he supported me all the time but because he listened to me with great zeal. He taught me the way to go ahead and always was there to advise me. Whenever I had the question he got the solution. Madhu Sir, I always feel a big void in my life for you are not there to guide me. Next would be the Somaiya cult- Swapnil, Salvi, Milind, Vidyut, Anant, Tanmay and Aamir. These people always drove me through my tough times in Mumbai, always made a professional out of a laggard. Last but not least it would be Jane- the dream-catcher, the harbinger of hope, the emblem of adoration and the omen of optimism. None of these were around me physically but my mind always paid obeisance to them. All these people deserve the blue ribbon from my end. Thanking them a lot for being all the time around me. Wishing them a lot of good luck and success.
My request to my readers is to kindly do not break this chain and tie a blue ribbon to the person ‘who made the difference” in their life.