Another week passed by and it is
getting complicated. Don’t know who is right and who is wrong. Let me voice out
only my feeling and not the incidents this time.
Bank Head’s job is a strenuous
job and no matter how much one tries to balance the things, there is always unevenness,
a difference creeps in and probably this is where the principles of management
do fill in. Over the past six months I have tried to balance this phenomenon
with myself taking the biggest misses in all the incidents. I have not been
able to claim my regular perks (financial jolt), not been able to take care of
my family and friends ( emotional n social jolt), not been able to fill in my
annual appraisal leading to my controller giving their own report ( opportunity
jolt) etc. In all the circumstances I have been at the bearing end because of
my involvement in other issues, other incidents and others problems. Bank has
always been my priority and will remain. After banking it is my people (who are
dependent on me) and finally it is me (if I am left with something). I have
always tried to give my best for achieving the mandate of other people and in
the process sacrificed myself. Even after this the people ask for more and
never realise what is going on with me, leave behind supporting me. Many a
times I feel I ought to think of myself first and this look after others but