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TWTW- Dog Menace , Branch downgrading and Me

The week is finally over and I really mean it is over. Probably one of the pathetic weeks I have gone through. The experience has been quite daunting. Both my personal as well as professional life got affected.
Incident 1: On Wednesday evening I received a call from one of my ex colleagues Mr Raina for help. He has been following with me for some tax related queries. I had asked him to come down to me in the evening. Somehow I got late and reached home at 9 PM. He called me and said that he is unable to come inside my by-lane because of stray dogs at the square. I came out to see that he is being hounded by the dogs. Probably being a stranger to our colony the dogs were harassing him. As soon as I went out the dogs ran away. While I was chatting with Mr Raina, the creatures starting to trouble someone yet again. Since it was dark out I could not relate whether they were troubling any humans or else. I took an aim to them and pelted a stone towards them. At once there was lull but what followed it was shocking. I heard someone asking “WHO HAD HURLED THE STONE AT DOGS”. Firstly I thought it was fluke and didn't take notice of it. I heard the same words second time. This time I perceived something wrong and got bolt from the blue when I saw a person drenched in red. The stone hurled at dogs had hit a passerby. I at once swung in action and took him to a nearest medical shop for First Aid. The stone had hit him beneath his eye on his face and blood was oozing out profusely. The medical assistant did some minor first aid and prescribed some ointments to be used. I thanked God that the man was safe and stone didn't hit his head or damage his eye. Dog menace was gonna create a mess in my life. Thank God for helping me out.
Incident 2: As if Wednesday was just over and I was trying to regain myself, I had another shocker coming my way next day. While I was in office on Thursday, busy with daily rumblings someone knocked at my cabin and I was surprised to see head office people in front of me. Somehow I managed to get my cabin cleared off the crowd. As they started off with their inspection, I tried to make them feel comfortable with some fruits juices and water. They asked me the reason for so much crowd and I replied telling them that it was the usual practice first fortnight of the month. They also complimented for maintaining all the books at the branch and advised me some rectifications..While they emphasized that I should look for new business, I told them categorically that it was not possible till I have some extra support. At once I was rebuked saying that my branch had been downgraded from Scale II to Scale I incumbency and hence do not expect any sort of extra support.. I could not believe and they asked me to confirm from the MIS website which gave me shocker no 2 of the week. The branch incumbency had been demoted by one step. I could not believe that. Our management has no policy for any branch. While nobody takes notice of the nature of business and the number of walk-in customers visiting the branch, the branch incumbency has to be realistic and not based on the certain numbers. Anyways tougher time seems ahead for me.

On a scale of 10, I rate the week at 3 only.


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