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The Leh Diary- The Builtup

The Leh journey had started and I was just experiencing the ups and downs of the cold desert. The initial days were really captivating. On one hand I was facing the wrath of changed climate while as on the other hand the Leh beauty was just full of sensuality, attracting me towards it and asking me to flow through its lap. The climate was actually gaining an upper hand here. The harsh climate was taking toll on my health. I was experiencing constant cough and no drug could cure it. The cough had become so chronic that i had been carrying the medicine continuously with me from office to the residence and back. It was an impact of high altitude sickness which is usually associated with low pressure areas. Doctors advised me the ethylated spirits but being a teetotaller it never interested me. Nevertheless this continued for next six months and there was no letup to the prevailing cough. At the same time, i was continuously putting in my efforts as the Loan Manager. The profile of Loan manager is challenging considering the fact that the credit appraisals are always daunting  and need extra amount of care and due diligence. If  Banking is a stressed job  then the Loan manager is always the hulk of it. Still the life just rolled on. I was getting constant reminders from the Branch Manager for continuous improvement of the portfolio. The time but was running out since the winters were approaching. I was giving my best of the efforts working from 9 to 9 even providing support to my branch manager on his day to day chores. Yet the efforts were not getting rewarded.
Kamal had in the meantime landed and also got adjusted to the new climate. We were sharing the room together and our union had once again started rolling. His presence was giving me a lot of support and the office fatigue was getting removed thanks to his being there with me. Our way of looking at Banking was almost similar but i feel he was still a better manipulator than me. I would always call a spade spade only and this attitude always created ruckus in my life.
Leh being the epicentre of tourism always attracted our top echelons to the areas. The higher management would invariably visit the place and so we had to be ever ready with our maths all the time. I had the privilege to welcome our General Manager to the branch. The branch was lit up with lot of additional publicity materials thanks to my marketing mind. While it was all my brainchild, but the whole credits were taken by someone else. I was using my mind and he was using his mind-games. This was utterly frustrating. I had a wonderful interaction with the General Manager and I could see that the level was interaction was quite fascinating atleast from my side. The GM asked me certain queries and I could easily answer all of them. Still i felt the finesse was missing somewhere and this could have been due to certain perception mapping issues.
8th Nov 2016- the demon of demonetisation arrived and we were left in lurch. The whole momentum was disturbed as the next fifteen days were absolutely critical. The government had announced withdrawal of currency notes from the system and the bankers had to make this a success. We did it with sheer brilliance and complete support to the initiative but with a small glitch which is worth sharing here. As the fresh currency arrived from airways, the IB followed us only to goof up that due to certain hushing up of currency, an advisory to the local police authorities should have been shared with. This led to unnecessary harassment and we had made an important learning here.
As the winter set in, the access to Ladakh got blocke.The challenge of our connectivity to the outside world kept on increasing. This challenge was however lesser than the one that was slowly building up in. The Lasermo Challenge.


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