A small break from the Satyam journey here and we turn up towards the present situation in Jammu and Kashmir. The issue of a Central University. With great fanfare two years back govt. of India announced an IIM to be set up in the state of Jammu and Kashmir. This move was an apt one which would have put the state of Jammu and Kashmir on the national and corporate level obviously for the good reasons. An IIM is a brand that would have served the state in many ways. The employment generation would have a direct impact and state would have benefitted directly. The people of Kashmir which have over the years complained of so called national bias and hatred would have come got vitalized by this apex institution. The ailing industrial sector might have also benefitted from it as well since IIM not only provides the education but also acts as the consulting media. We have the examples of cities like Ahmadabad, Bangalore, and Kolkata where the development got a boost because of these instituti...