Friends starting off with a three part series of Turnaround Stories from Corporate World. These stories were part of eMagazine published by our bank/ circle. Greatest Corporate Turnaround Stories (Part 1- The turnaround at IBM) It is the law of nature that whatever goes up has to come down one day. Every business has to go through the different phases of a business cycle. The way the business composes itself through the difficult times makes its growth story. In this series we will look at the stories of some of the greatest corporate turnaround stories, the stories of grit and determination, the stories of change, the stories of trust and belief, the stories that will enable us to come out successful in the time of need. Corporate turnarounds are almost never engineered by a single person. A CEO who takes a failing company and makes it successful again obviously has help from management, a board, along with customers and shareholders. The vision for how a company can change ...